Losing the interface is

losing the feedback


Waste: 1 ton / person / year

        see this ?

each month

recycling works

Recycling centers


  1. we don't sort well
  2. we don't reuse


  1. predict demand
  2. provide an application
  3. connect to reusers

1) Predicting demand

2) Providing an app

3) Crowdsourcing

Finally some precise data about waste production and reuse.

4) Designing  a sensor

The sensor should:

  1. measure affluence
  2. measure the level of each containers
  3. low cost
  4. improvable

It's just a prototype...


Ant in the sky

Counting the number of cars

The level of each container





Realtime monitoring

What's new ?

  • Privacy
  • Affordable connected device

Questions ?

twitter: @vallettea